Single-Pass video conversion for Rockbox
Rockbox RVF conversion in one pass
(c) 2004 Jörg Hohensohn
The attachment contains:
- RvfMux.zip, my A/V to Rockbox .rvf conversion DirectShow renderer.
- GraphEdit.zip, a Microsoft test application for plugging DirectShow components.
- lame.zip, a Lame mp3 encoder (v3.96) as a DirectShow component.
- RockVideo.zip, a nice point-and-shoot application for Rockbox video conversion
To use it, copy the content of the .zip files into seperate directories
on your harddrive, whereever you'd like them to stay. Then run the "install.bat"
script in each of them to register the components to the system.
Before removal, do the reverse by running the "uninstall.bat" for each.
The normal "user" way for conversion is the RockVideo tool. The GUI should
be self-explaining. It is using the DirectShow components internally.
GraphEdit is a developer tool. It can be used to construct the right dataflow
as long as there's no application to do this in a nicer way. You can e.g.
have a look what the Media Player does behind the scenes.
Start GraphEdit, then select Graph -> Insert Filters...
Unfold DirectShow Filters, then select File Source (Async.)
You may cross the checkbock "Favorite Filter?" to shortcut this next time.
(The same goes for the other filters we're bringing in next.)
The filter now prompts you for the input file, select which you like.
You should be able to use anything you can view in Media Player.
The next filter is "RVF Mux", my one. It will ask you for the output filename,
give it the desired new name. It will stupidly add .asf to the name, you'll
have to rename the result file later.
The third filter is optional, only necessary if the input file contains no
MPEG soundtrack and we need to recompress into mp3. Add the "Lame Good Edition".
We now have all components, you may close the filter selection box.
Right-click on the output pin of the box representing your input file, and
select "Render Pin". Now the boxes and some new filter(s) get connected in
a way that all should end up in my RVF Mux filter. If the Lame encoder is
not needed, you can delete it from the graph. If it is used, you can
right-click on it and adjust parameters.
If either audio or video doesn't end in my filter, the formats are
incompatible and I need to work on it, if I can resolve it.
Now press the green play button and wait for the silent playback to finish.
It will make a .rvf file for you. When done, you can close the whole thing.
No need to save the graph into file.
Known issues, limitations:
- No configuration to the rvf besides Archos fps yet, like cropping, gamma, etc.
- Audio and video may be processed with different speed, causing my internal
queue to grow real big and consume a lot of RAM.
Have fun,
Revision r1.12 - 16 Jun 2005 - 07:36 GMT - JoergHohensohn
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